Leap and fly! Verse 1
Verse 1
1. कर्तुराज्ञया प्राप्यते फलम् ।
कर्म किं परं कर्म तज्जडम् ॥ १॥
Meaning: The fruits of karma (actions) is obtained by the Lord's order. That being the case, can actions be supreme? Actions are insentient
Now, the Tamil version
கன்மம் பயன்றரல் கர்த்தனதாணையாற்
கன்மங் கடவுளோ வுந்தீபற
கன்மஞ் சடமதா லுந்தீபற
The meaning is exactly the same as in the Sanskrit version, but I see a subtle difference in the last phrase "கன்மம் ஞடம் அதால் உந்தீபற".
Notice the use of the word "அதால்" (meaning "therefore"), Ramanar could have use used any other word like "என்று" or "என" (meaning "saying so"), and the meaning and rhyme would remain intact. But the deliberate use of "அதால்" which also has a different meaning of "using which", is probably because Ramana wants us to not completely give up on Karma. Use Karma as a tool to leap and fly to the next stage, he seems to say.
Extremely economical in words but overflowing abundance in the meaning conveyed!
More to follow...
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