Leap and fly! Verse 4
From verses 1, 2 and 3, the path towards salvation through right actions and attitude has been laid out. This can broadly be said to cover Karma Yoga. Let's see verse 4 now திடமிது பூசை செப்முந் தியானம் உடல் வாக்குளத்தொழில் உந்தீபற உயர்வாகும் ஒன்றிலொன் றுந்தீபற Meaning: This is certain; Worship, praise and meditation performed through body, speech and thought, is each one higher (subtler) than the other. The use of "திடமிது" or "this is certain" is very interesting, an uncommon assertion coming from Ramana. Makes us wonder if there is more to be understood from this verse than the literal meaning of worship, praise and meditation. The likely inner meaning, is the 3 step Jnana marga, which is Shravanam (assimilation), Mananam(introspection) and Nidhidhyasanam(absorption). In this verse, the switch is made from Karma Yoga to Jnana Yoga. The usage of "உயர்வாகும் ஒன்றிலொன்று" or "higher than the other", is also an uncommon assertion coming fro...